Connecting to Womb Wisdom

Womb is a word to describe the power & potency of a woman’s creative abilities. The womb of a woman has been revered since the beginning of time for being the divine portal that all life births through. Through this portal we connect to our ancestral lineages & all the woman that came before us. Through this portal we experience the depths of menstruation & the aliveness of ovulation. Our wombs guide us towards inner liberation & some believe that our wombs have a consciousness of their own. As women we are natural shamans, journeying to the underworld during our bleed & rebirthing again & again into the light every month. We experience such deep fluctuations in our emotional, physical, mental & spiritual bodies. We are designed perfectly, as a profound & magical reflection of Mother Earth & the great goddess!

Some woman go through such intense menstrual phases that they can not help but dread this time of the month & even the ability they have to create. When we reconnect to ancient practices, rituals & wisdom, we can heal the relationship we have with our womb & reclaim our creative power & potency. Ultimately, we can reclaim our bodies wisdom & magic.

Our wombs are always communicating with us & they desire so deeply to be heard & validated.

Let her have a voice. 

Some ways you can reconnect to your sacred womb space:

Art: Take time to connect to your creative power through expressing yourself with painting, drawing or sculpting. Draw your womb space & allow yourself to channel your creative energy into this art. Notice how it feels & observe what you end up creating. This could mirror your desired or current relationship you have with your womb. 

Writing: Write a letter to your sacred womb space expressing your gratitude for all that she does. Tell her how much you appreciate & love her. Even if you don't physically have a womb you still carry the energy of this scared space within you. This practice is a way to pay reverence to the earth & your creative energy. Maybe you would like to bury the letter in the earth or burn it in ceremony. 

Mindfulness & Meditation: Take some time to visualize your womb space & connect to this sacred alter within you. You can breathe into this space visualizing light entering you womb & healing her from the inside out. You can do many different visualizations or breathing patterns depending on what you desire & currently need. 

Yoga & Movement: The womb chakra or sacral chakra governs the energy of the womb space. You can practice yogic postures to open & activate your sacred womb space & sacral chakra energy. Connect to what your womb needs in this moment & allow her to receive that type of movement. This is always an intuitive knowing. 

Energy Healing: The womb is a quantum field of energy that bridges the physical with the spiritual realms. Energy work like Reiki healing can be very beneficial to offer support to your womb. The womb space is naturally receptive, taking in other peoples energy. Reiki can assist in calling back your energy & removing others energy that does not serve you restoring you to the frequency of the earth.  

Ritual & Ceremony: Since ancient times the womb has been the symbol of all life. Ancient scripture, sculptures, painting & more have been found throughout the ancient world dating back to prehistoric times. It is nothing new to practice rituals & ceremonies that give thanks to the creator Mother Earth. The womb is the portal of all life & when we reciprocate energy towards her, we open up a dialogue of healing & transformation. You can place your moon blood on your alter or simply pay gratitude to the earth. All of this connects us back to our individual womb & the womb of the earth.

Yoni Streaming Rituals: A beautiful way to connect to your sacred womb is through adorning her with a sacred herbal blend.This is when you sit over a herbal steam that gently moves up into the vaginal canal & uterus. The art of yoni steaming has been practices all around the world for hundreds of years. This practice can detoxify the womb, improve fertility, increase energy, boost immunity & regulate monthly bleeding. Research into this practice more if you feel like it is something thats calling you.  

There are truly SO many ways we can connect to our wombs & the list goes on. Ask your womb what she needs, what she desires, what she would like to share with you. Listen closely to what she says. When we listen to her voice, her voice will become louder, when we neglect her power she will become quiet. Allow her to share the ancient wisdom that she holds, allow her to teach you & help you remember why you are here.  

If you would like assistance in diving deeper into your womb consciousness & womb healing journey I would love to connect with you. I offering 1:1 womb ceremonies to activate, balance & harmonize the connection your have to your heart & womb. Bridging this sacred connection to amplify your wombs voice. I will guide you through a journey to connect you back to the wisdom & potency of your womb.


Awakening Female Sexuality


Honouring Ancestral Wisdom